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Talkz By Speaker: Dr. Greg Lamb
Dr. Greg Lamb
Dr. Greg Lamb
(FCP(SA), MMed, MPhil(Paeds Neuro))

Field Of Medicine: Internal Medicine

Speciality: Internal medicine, M Phil Paeds neuro

From: , Western Cape, South Africa

Special Interests: Gut microbiome, Neurology

Neurogastroenterology and epilepsy... Neurogastroenterology and epilepsy...


Ventilator settings... Ventilator settings...
Adrenal fatigue - Myth or Reality... Adrenal fatigue - Myth or Reality...
Pharmacology quiz... Pharmacology quiz...
VV-ECMO for respiratory failure... VV-ECMO for respiratory failure...
The expanding problem of rare diseases... The expanding problem of rare diseases...
Stroke in pregnancy... Stroke in pregnancy...