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Talkz By Speaker: Prof. Remy Meier
Prof. Remy Meier
Prof. Remy Meier
(Prof, MD)

Field Of Medicine: Gastroenterology


From: , , Switzerland

Special Interests: nutrition, sepsis, critical care

How nutrients are absorbed in the GUT... How nutrients are absorbed in the GUT...
Microbiota in the ICU... Microbiota in the ICU...
Nutritional approach of the obese critically ill p... Nutritional approach of the obese critically ill p...


Ventilator settings... Ventilator settings...
Acute Collapse in Pregnancy... Acute Collapse in Pregnancy...
Ventilation on ECMO... Ventilation on ECMO...
Ventilation induced lung injury... Ventilation induced lung injury...
Starting an ECMO program in SA - truth endures... Starting an ECMO program in SA - truth endures...
AKI - A new paradigm... AKI - A new paradigm...