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Event: Innovation & Healthcare Technology-Part 2 (2020-06-25)

Event Date: 2020-06-25
Field Of Medicine: Technology
Centre for Digestive Diseases and Liver Health

Part 2 of our CPD accredited “Medical Technology: How to Innovate in the Midst of a Pandemic”. In this free webinar we focus on how to do research by drawing on lessons that the medical world can learn from the tech world. We start with an introduction to research and learning methods which have evolved in the tech world and are being used more frequently in the medical world. Our expert panel will explain and then give us a glimpse into some exciting applications being developed in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be followed by our ethics session which will feature a debate on current medical research methodologies versus those used in the tech world. Finally we discuss the ethics of not sharing information that could benefit humankind during the current pandemic.
Join us for this exciting opportunity to bridge two worlds. Get inspired

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