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Talkz By Speaker: Dr. Sergio Bergese
Dr. Sergio Bergese
Dr. Sergio Bergese

Field Of Medicine: Health systems management

Speciality: Medicine

From: Johannesburg, , South Africa

Special Interests:

Rethinking Acute Blood Pressure Management... Rethinking Acute Blood Pressure Management...
CLEVIPREX (Clevidipine) Clinical Trial... CLEVIPREX (Clevidipine) Clinical Trial...
Q and A - Acute management of peri-operative blood pressure... Q and A - Acute management of peri-operative blood pressure...


Ventilator settings... Ventilator settings...
Vaporisers part 1 - The physics... Vaporisers part 1 - The physics...
Surgical cricothyroidotomy... Surgical cricothyroidotomy...
Side effects of suxamethonium... Side effects of suxamethonium...
Rapid sequence induction... Rapid sequence induction...
Post op nausea and vomiting... Post op nausea and vomiting...