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Speakers Info
Institution Info
Field Of Medicine
Field Of Medicine
Case presentation
A bleeding ''tail'' of haemosuccus pancreaticus
[Dr. Yusuf Moolla]
A case of unexplained C2 osteolysis
[Dr. Adrian Kelly]
ACL injury in a 9 year old
[Dr. Glen Vardi]
Athletes Heart
[Dr. John Benjamin]
Case study presentation: The shocking truth and other pressing issues.
[Ms. Lynette Cilliers]
Cervical Spine Injuries
[Dr. Jaffar Azhar]
Child abuse Non accidental injuries
[Dr. Efrat Barnes]
Coeliac Trunk Insufficiency
[Dr. Herman Jeggels]
Compassion Matters
[Sr. Mande Toubkin]
Curios Case of the Liver Lurgie
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Fitness to Dive - Phrenic Nerve Palsy CASE STUDY
[Dr. Jonathan Rosenthal]
HBOT in long CoVID syndrome
[Dr. Eddelene Bouwer]
Infections that scare a microbiologist
[Dr. Jennifer Coetzee]
Mediated Learning for changes in cognitive and social development
[Mrs. Lilian Lomofsky]
Micro Ward Round - In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Micro Ward Round - Influenza Part 1
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Micro Ward Round - Influenza Part 2
[Dr. Tina Law]
Micro Ward Round - Influenza Part 3
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Micro Ward Round - Q and A of In the Jungle Webinar
[Dr. Kim and Tina Pieton and Law]
Micro Ward Round - Sea Monsters Part 1
[Dr. Kim and Tina Pieton and Law]
Micro Ward Round - Sea Monsters Part 2
[Dr. Tina and Kim Law and Pieton]
[Dr. Nerissa Moodley]
Multi-level Thoraco-lumbar tuberculosis
[Dr. Aftab Younus]
Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus
[Prof. Nikiforos Saragas]
Progression of instrumentation. Thoracic and lumbar spine
[Prof. Muhammad Tariq Sohail]
Q and A Liver Lurgies Micro Ward Round
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
SASPEN Mini Symposium Case Introduction
[Miss Anna Lena Du Toit]
Vestibular Migraine
[Ms. Lara Benigson]
You've diagnosed your patient, now what?
[Dr. Tabie Greyling]
1. The Helix Trial -To cool or not to cool
[Dr. Rehema Marando]
10 Myth busters in IBD
[Dr. David Epstein]
2. Therapeutic hypothermia in intrapartum hypoxia
[Prof. Alan Horn]
3. HELIX commentary
[Dr. Gugu Kali]
4. Q and A of USANA Journal Club - Helix Trial
[Dr. Alan Horn and Gugu Kali]
A Case for the Pilot Physician
[Dr. Bjorn Buchner]
A drone’s view on the basics of anti-ageing
[Dr. Sindeep Bhana]
A Practical Approach to Dry Eye
[Dr. Lynette Venter]
Address to Attendees of Medtalkz COVID UPDATE
[Dr. Anban Pillay]
Advancing management by applying evidence-based approaches through optimal oral nutrition supplements
[Mr. Omy Naidoo]
Africa''s AI Innovations for Global Health
[Dr. Aisha Walcott Bryant]
Age, Aging and Ageism in Cardiology
[Dr. Eric Klug]
AI versus the RCT
[Prof. Charles Feldman]
Airway clearance in COPD with OPEP device
[Mrs. Lara Garzon Carretero]
Airway management
[Dr. Sashen Murugan]
An apporach to palliative cancer care
[Dr. Poobalan Jason Naicker]
An argument for FOAMed
[Mr. Uriel Rosen]
An introduction to ergonimics
[Ms. Vivian Stern]
An introduction to Machine Learning and AI
[Prof. Barry Dwolatzky]
Anaesthesia for spinal surgery
[Dr. Jacinta Shung]
Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Journal Club - Oct 21
[Dr. Eric Hodgson]
Anatomy of Airshow Accidents
[Mr. Des Barker]
Animal therapy in ICU
[Dr. Eric Hodgson]
Anterior lumbar cages: ALIF, XLIF, OLIF
[Dr. Aftab Younus]
Antivenom - Snake bite Disfigurement or Death
[Mr. Jason Seale]
Atherogenesis in 2024
[Prof. Frederick Raal]
Atrial Fibrillation – Unmet needs
[Prof. Ajay Kakkar]
Autism and the paradigm shift
[Mrs. Kim Rundle]
Aviation Related Thrombosis – An update
[Prof. Barry Jacobson]
Band Aids in the Bush
[Mr. ANdrew Sheahan]
Bawa-Garba. An inside-outsiders view
[Dr. Hilary Klonin]
Behind The Scenes Look at the Olympics. A Doctor's Perspective
[Dr. Gavin Shang]
Burnout amongst nurses
[Dr. Caroline Lee]
Bush pilot experience
[Mr. John Bassi]
Can we beat superbugs?
[Ms. Karin Swart]
Caring For The Person and Athlete
[Dr. Kirsten van Heerden]
Case Book. Decubitis ulcer a sore subject
[Mr. Cheryl Carter]
Cervical Sub-axial lateral mass screw placement
[Dr. Aftab Younus]
CHAT GPT - What''s all the buzz about?
[Mr. Shaun Swartz]
Child Abuse for Medical Professionals
[Dr. Shaheda Omar]
Cholera outbreak overview
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Choosing a mentor / supervisor for your research project
[Prof. Raquel Duarte]
Chronic cough in children - the homeopathic approach
[Dr. Brigitte Spitze]
Clinical experiences regarding depression and anxiety in clinical aviation psychology
[Dr. Trevor Reynolds]
Complications of Malnutrition - refeeding syndrome
[Miss Anna Lena Du Toit]
Coping with Uncertainty
[Ms. Audrey Katsidzira]
Coronavirus in South Africa
[Dr. Ryan Noach]
COVID and Micronutrients
[Mrs. Karen Steynberg]
COVID-19 and Civil Aviation
[Dr. Lesego Bogatsu]
COVID-19. Emerging Viruses and Variants
[Dr. Marieke Brauer]
COVID-19: Coming to a practice near you
[Prof. Charles Feldman]
Criminal Prosecution - Where Do We Stand
[Mr. Donald Dinnie]
Cutting it fine
[Ms. Lisa Strauss]
Dangers of risky adolescent behaviour
[Dr. Mignon McCulloch]
Debate - bagging in the prehospital setting
[Dr. Lara Goldstein]
Demo Video
[Dr. Brian Levy]
Dermatology quiz
[Prof. Nonhlanhla Khumalo]
Developing a Prototype
[Mr. Alex Ernst]
Did you check for a pulse? Is it high PEEP all over again?
[Dr. Kuban Naidoo]
Diphtheria surveillance and diagnosis
[Prof. Anne von Gottberg]
Discussion - Cervical Screening Made Easy
[Dr. Trudy Smith]
Diverse Cognitive and Multi-sensory Approaches for the Neurodiverse Learner
[Mrs. Melissa von Zwiklitz]
Does it really take 9 months?
[Mr. evan speechly]
Don''t talk to me about spontaneous breathing
[Prof. Gavin Joynt]
Drug rediscovery
[Prof. Chris Mulder]
[Ms. Marilize Le Roux]
Duration of Anticoagulation – How long is long enough?
[Prof. Peter Verhammer]
Dysphagia Management
[Mrs. Alida De Beer]
ECG quiz
[Prof. Ashley Chin]
Economic Impact of the COVID Pandemic
[Prof. Alex van den Heever]
Establishing the Real Need of the Customer
[Ms. Daleen Slabbert]
Ethical aspects in treating children
[Prof. Keith Bolton]
Ethical Decision Making
[Dr. Nina Kriel]
Ethical issues surrounding foreign patients requiring dialysis
[Dr. Harriet Etheredge]
Ethics and in flight medical emergencies
[Dr. Charl van Loggerenberg]
Ethics and nutrition
[Ms. Berna Harmse]
Ethics of not sharing information in a pandemic
[Prof. Charles Feldman]
Everyone is talking AI
[Dr. David Jankelow]
Evidence Based Medicine - What are the pitfalls?
[Dr. Herman Jeggels]
Explosion and Blast Injuries - The Ukraine Experience
[Prof. Kenneth Boffard]
Family pressure and interference in clinical care decisions
[Dr. Deborah Pearmain]
Fitness to work
[Dr. Hanli de Wet]
Flying during Ramadan
[Dr. Cornelius Botha]
Genetic counselling in the genomic era.
[Dr. Shelley Macaulay]
Guidelines for prevention and containment of antim
[Dr. Kim Faure]
Health Care Workers: An Integral Component for Rebuilding SA
[Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman]
Help! Can't intubate, can't ventilate
[Dr. Lara Goldstein]
Hepatocellular carcinoma in review
[Dr. Eduard Jones]
Hidden pain, secret shame. Distress in the ICU
[Dr. NICOLA Fouche]
[Dr. Bayanda Ndidwa]
Home Enteral Feeding
[Mrs. Michelle McDermott]
How to Pitch an Idea
[Mr. Nkululeko Tunzi]
Human factors - Predictors of avoidable errors
[Dr. Rik De Decker]
Human Factors: Boeing 737 Max
[Mr. Col Charlie Marais]
I have an ICU in Africa
[Prof. L Rudo Mathivha]
ICU sedation - endagered species
[Dr. Pragasan Dean Gopalan]
Immunonutrition in surgical oncology patients
[Mrs. Marli Havinga]
Informed consent
[Dr. Thandeka Ngcana]
Informed consent for spine surgery
[Prof. Rashid Aden]
Inspiration from a Walker and a Runner
[Ms. Jane Badham]
Interventional procedure for liver disease
[Dr. Aphrodite Gogakis]
Intravenous magic
[Mr. Patricia McCusker]
Introducing JOSI
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Introduction to inotropes and vasopressors
[Dr. Alastair Moodley]
Introduction to JOSI
[Dr. Ponky Firer]
Introduction to Risky Business
[Prof. Andrew Argent]
Investing During a Pandemic
[Mr. Stephen Kazenellenbogen]
Investing in uncertain times
[Mr. Brian Levy]
Investing in Uncertain Times
[Mr. Nick Rebelo]
Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Doctors
[Dr. David Jankelow]
Is it safe to scope my cirrhotic patient
[Dr. howard radford]
Kids kicking cancer
[Mr. Sensei Moses Sebopa]
Launch of the FIDSSA mycoses interest group
[Dr. Nelesh Govender]
Learning from other high risk industries
[Mr. Guy Hirst]
Learning from others
[Mr. Guy Hirst]
Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 1
[Dr. Graham and Hitzeroth Howarth and Volker]
Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 2
[Dr. Graham and Hitzeroth Howarth and Volker]
Let’s talk speech therapy in head and neck cancer management
[Ms. Nasreen Allie]
Life lessons from adolescents
[Dr. Jennifer Geel]
LISA Demonstration and Q and A - Part 1
[Prof. Boris Kramer]
LISA for the Preterm Infant - Part 1
[Prof. Boris Kramer]
LISA for the Preterm Infant - Part 2
[Prof. Boris Kramer]
LISA for the Preterm Infant - Part 2 Q and A
[Prof. Boris Kramer]
Litigation in a Failing Health System
[Dr. Deborah Pearmain]
Long Covid: Role of Physiotherapy Q & A
[Ms. Sam Holtzhausen]
M.A.E.S Therapy
[Mrs. Shane Brassell]
Major Incident and Disaster Management - Part 1
[Ms. Mande Toubkin]
Making Ethical Decisions by Flipping a Coin?
[Dr. Nina Kriel]
Malaria and COVID - Take home message
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Malaria Control in Southern Africa
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction
[Dr. Adri Landman]
Measles outbreak
[Dr. Asma Salloo]
Medical Record Keeping in Diving Medical Practice
[Dr. Jan Lapere]
Medical Team Challenges For An Amateur Team In A Professional Sporting Code
[Dr. Gavin Shang]
Medicine’s armor against Cancer – The power of
[Dr. Chirantan Bose]
Menopause - the Spirit of Transformation
[Dr. Estie Terblanche]
Mental health in the workplace: screening for CMD
[Dr. Charles Van Wijk]
Micro Ward Round - When the diagnosis isn''t first on the list
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Mthatha. From the land of Nongqawuse
[Dr. Busi Mrara]
Myth busting spinal motion restriction
[Mr. Kaleb Lachenicht]
Nasal High Flow and High Velocity Therapy
[Mr. Ron Fantl]
New horizons in life-course nutrition
[Prof. Andrew M Prentice]
NHI - Challenges to implementation
[Prof. Alex van den Heever]
NHI: What now?
[Prof. Alex van den Heever]
[Dr. Charles Serrurier]
November Journal Club - Anaesth and Crit Care
[Dr. Eric Hodgson]
Nutrition management of patients post PEG placement
[Miss Safiyah Hasson]
Nutritional inputs in CVA management
[Mrs. Kalle Pillay]
Nutritional Management of Surgical-Oncology Patients
[Mrs. Rene Smalberger]
Occupational Therapy in Stroke Management
[Ms. Maleekah Terblanche]
ONS in the Cancer Patient
[Mrs. Alta Kloppers]
Oral Contraceptive in 2024 – Lowering the Thrombosis Risk
[Dr. Trudy Smith]
Paediatric neuro-oncology. The ''BOLT'' decade
[Dr. Michael Capra]
Paediatric tracheostomy - A CHBAH team approach
[Mrs. Kathryn Schie]
Paeds high flow. Pipe dream or promising therapy
[Dr. Susan Murphy]
Pain goes beyond the patient
[Mrs. Brenda Herbert]
Panel Discussion - Cryotherapy
[Mr. David Milner]
Panel Discussion - Ethics in Sport
[Dr. Gavin Shang]
Panel Discussion - Runner's Knee
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Panel Discussion - The Role of Progesterone in the manage of Recurrent Miscarriages
[Dr. Panel Discussion]
Parents supporting parents program
[Mrs. Becky Anastassopoulos]
Patient and family experiences of ICU and beyond
[Prof. Juan Scribante]
Pharmacology quiz
[Prof. Marc Blockman]
Physical assessment
[Mr. Estelle Smuts]
PNALD, now what?
[Miss Anna Lena Du Toit]
POPIA and the Healthcare Provider
[Dr. Deborah Pearmain]
Posterior lumbar inter-body fusion
[Dr. Aftab Younus]
Practical and Creative Tips to Help the Neurodiverse Child Express Their Feelings
[Mrs. Romy Michelson]
Prevention is better than cure. How to become less hackable
[Mr. Kevin Hogan]
Progress & advice with ongoing management of the EMPIC Medical Module
[Mr. Gauta Rakometsi]
Promoting anabolism in the ICU
[Mrs. Lizl Veldsman]
Protecting ourselves. Dark side of our profession
[Dr. John Roos]
Psychological difficulties in adolescents with ver
[Mr. Zamo Mbele]
Public Safety versus Pilot Rights
[Mr. Julian du Plessis]
Q & A - COVID Treatment Update
[Dr. Guy Richards]
Q & A - Genetic Screening for Cancer
[Dr. Trudy Smith]
Q & A - JOSI Concussion Seminar
[Dr. Lervasen Pillay]
Q & A - TCI and TIVA
[Dr. eRni Welch]
Q & A - What Physios & Allied need to know
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Q & A from the COVID Vaccine and VITT Webinar
[Dr. Info Medtalkz]
Q & A Vaccine rollout and COVID Variants
[Prof. Glenda and Penny Gray and Moore]
Q & A: Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors
[Dr. Graham and Hitzeroth Howarth and Volker]
Q and A - 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralympics
[Dr. Gavin Shang Jon Patricios]
Q and A - A drone’s view on the basics of anti-ageing
[Dr. Sindeep Bhana]
Q and A - A simple pathway to treat and manage patients with Major Depression
[Dr. Eugene Allers]
Q and A - Acute Lateral Sprain Injuries
[Dr. Michael de Buys]
Q and A - Acute management of peri-operative blood pressure
[Dr. Sergio Bergese]
Q and A - Advanced Airway Management
[Dr. Sashen Murugan Sr Mande Toubkin]
Q and A - An update on Mycobacterial disease
[Dr. Pieter Ekermans Jessica Trusler]
Q and A - Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns
[Dr. Warren Lowman]
Q and A - Bariatric Surgery in 2024
[Dr. Gary Fetter]
Q and A - Cervical Cancer screening and HPV
[Dr. Hennie Jennifer and Trudy Botha Butt and Smith]
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Q and A - Chronic Cough in Children
[Dr. Brigitte Spitze Chad James]
Q and A - Cleviprex webinar
[Dr. Gianluca Paternoster Lliam Brannigan]
Q and A - Clostridiodes associated diarrhea and the role of FMT
[Dr. Kay Karlsson]
Q and A - Compassion Matters
[Sr. Mande Toubkin and Prof Feroza Motara]
Q and A - Concussion in School Sport
[Prof. Jon Patricios]
Q and A - COVID Update and Pregnancy in COVID
[Dr. Guy Shastra and Nathi Richards Bhoora and Mdladla]
Q and A - COVID-19 Where are we now in 2022
[Dr. Waasila Jassat]
Q and A - Death Determination
[Prof. David Thomson]
Q and A - Detection of ASD
[Dr. Tamara Jaye]
Q and A - Dr. I have sinus
[Dr. Raymond Friedmand Jessica Trusler]
Q and A - Ethics of End-of-Career Decision Making
[Dr. Danella Eliasov]
Q and A - Expanding the Human Gut Microbiome Atlas of Africa
[Dr. Luicer Olubayo Tandokazi Gaqana]
Q and A - Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
[Dr. Jessica Trusler Derick Raal]
Q and A - GIT function
[Dr. Peter Barrow]
Q and A - Hepatitis C; Time to sCreen, Cure and Conquer
[Dr. Marieke Brauer Jessica Trusler]
Q and A - How to position the use of Ozempic
[Prof. Tess van der Merwe]
Q and A - Infections that Scare Clinical Microbiologists
[Dr. Jennifer Coetzee Kim Pieton]
Q and A - Influenza
[Dr. Evan Shoul Dr Sibongile Walaza]
Q and A - Introduction to Phytotherapy
[Dr. Craig Wright Chad James]
Q and A - Introduction to the Protection of Personal Information Act
[Ms. Kelly Nevin]
Q and A - Legal Implications of the NHI Bill
[Dr. Deborah Pearmain]
Q and A - Lung Cancer webinar July 2023
[Dr. Info Medtalkz]
Q and A - Lymphoedema Webinar
[Dr. Dimitri and Bryony Liakos and Krikler]
Q and A - M.A.E.S Therapy
[Mrs. Shane Brassell]
Q and A - Management of Acute MI
[Dr. Adri Landman Sashen Murugan]
Q and A - Managing the Neuropsychiatric Behaviours and Challenges of the Confused Patient
[Dr. India Butler]
Q and A - Medical Record Keeping in Diving Medical Practice
[Dr. Jan Lapere]
Q and A - Menopause - The Spirit of Transformation
[Dr. Estie Terblanch Chad James]
Q and A - Metatarsalgia
[Mr. Sean Pincus]
Q and A - Mpox
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Q and A - Myth Busting Spinal Motion Restriction
[Mr. Kaleb Lachenicht]
Q and A - NHI: What now webinar
[Prof. Alex van den Heever]
Q and A - Non-Accidental Injury in Children
[Dr. Efrat Barnes and Prof Rudo Mathivha]
Q and A - Organophosphate Poisoning update
[Dr. Craig Beringer]
Q and A - Palliative and end of life care
[Dr. Natalya Dinat]
Q and A - Pancreatic Cancer
[Dr. Anna Sparaco]
Q and A - Perinatology
[Dr. Lou Pistorius]
Q and A - POPIA and the Healthcare Professional
[Dr. Deborah Pearmain]
Q and A - Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19
[Prof. Guy Richards]
Q and A - Prevention is better than cure
[Mr. Kevin Hogan]
Q and A - Probiotics in Neonatal Care
[Dr. Peter Reynolds]
Q and A - Rehab of the Stroke Patient webinar
[Mr. Jannes Strydom]
Q and A - Rekindling Local Anaesthetics
[Dr. eRni Welch Dr Howard Radford]
Q and A - Sensory Intelligence Webinar
[Dr. Annemarie Lombard]
Q and A - Sexual Abuse in children
[Dr. Shaheda Omar Linda Cartwright]
Q and A - Sexual Health Physio Series
[Dr. Larissa and Heleen Badenhorst and van Aswegenlkz]
Q and A - Sexual Health: What''s New?
[Dr. Anthony Smith]
Q and A - Shock
[Dr. Izak Petrus Scholtz]
Q and A - Synergies between RSV and Streptococcus Pneumonia infection
[Dr. Jocelyn Moyes Sipho Dlamini]
Q and A - The Athlete''s Heart
[Dr. John Benjamin Jon Patricios]
Q and A - The Basic Work-up of a Suspected Autoimmune Disorder
[Dr. Carla van Heerden Jessica Trusler]
Q and A - The Future of HPV Vaccinations
[Dr. Trudy Smith Petrus Swanepoel]
Q and A - The Poisoned Chalice
[Prof. Roger Dickerson]
Q and A - The use of Surfactant in the ICU
[Dr. David Sweet]
Q and A - Therapeutic Reflexology
[Ms. Lyn de Visser Dr Chad James]
Q and A - Thrombosis Update
[Dr. Pieter Wessels]
Q and A - Transgender; The walls between us
[Mr. Kaleb Lachenicht Mande Toubkin]
Q and A - Treating 22 and 23-Week Premature Babies
[Dr. Doron Shein Graham Jones]
Q and A - Treating PADEL Injuries
[Dr. Brad Gelbart Gelbart Devine]
Q and A - Understanding Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
[Mr. Steven Sidley]
Q and A - Understanding the Complexity of Obesity and position for Bariatric Surgery
[Ms. Eunice Mpehlo Nicky Pryor]
Q and A - Untangling the Hormone Web
[Dr. Silver Simone Jessica Trusler]
Q and A - Using Homeopathy remedies in General Practise
[Dr. Jeetesh Rashod Lauren Brom]
Q and A - Ward round - Prion Disease
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Q and A - What does a Chiropractic actually do?
[Dr. Jason Fyfer]
Q and A - What is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
[Ms. Daniella Renzon Alicia Swart]
Q and A from ADHD Webinar
[Dr. Tali and Tamara Frankel and Jaye]
Q and A from Disaster Management Webinar
[Dr. Wayne Smith Mande Toubkin]
Q and A from the Prostate Cancer Webinar
[Dr. Ronwyn van Eeden]
Q and A from the Wellbeing Blueprint
[Dr. Derek Gross Ronel Pistorius]
Q and A of Lab Diagnosis and COVID Strains Webinar
[Dr. Clive and Marieke Soldin and Brauer]
Q and A of lecture on Achilles Tendinopathy
[Prof. Jill Cook]
Q and A of NSAIDs webinar
[Dr. eRni Welch]
Q and A of the Back to Surgery in COVID meeting
[Prof. Martin Smith]
Q and A part 1- Nutritional Management of Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
[Mrs. Ria Catsicas]
Q and A part 2- Nutritional Management of Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes
[Mrs. Ria Catsicas]
[Ms. Angie and Mr Malcolm Lander and Freedman]
Q and A: 10 Lessons in Heart Failure
[Dr. Info Medtalkz]
Q and A: Choosing the right HRT for Your Patient Webinar
[Dr. Info Medtalkz]
Q and A: Chronic pain management for the Allied Healthcare Professional
[Ms. Riana van Wyk]
Q and A: COVID-19 Update and OMICRON VARIANT
[Prof. Shabir and Sean Mahdi and Chetty]
Q and A: Sharing Health Data Saves Lives
[Mr. Llewelyn Moodley]
Q&A to Physio in COVID
[Mrs. Samantha Holtzhausen]
Quality & safety: Care in resource limited setting
[Prof. Andrew Argent]
Rationalising neonatal services
[Prof. Haroon Saloojee]
Recovery monitoring in a super rugby team
[Mr. Preven Appalsamy]
Reducing Medico-Legal Risk
[Mr. JP Ellis]
Regulation; Good, Bad or Ugly
[Dr. Nina Kriel]
Remote Piloted Aircraft System South African Civil Aviation Authority
[Mr. Vuyisa Mxego]
Rethinking acute BP management peri-operatively
[Prof. Sergio D Bergese]
Return to sport after distal radius fractures
[Ms. Evanthia Pavli]
Return to sport after TKR
[Dr. Glen Vardi]
Risk in building a new PICU
[Dr. Mignon McCulloch]
SA Bone Marrow Registry: Successes and challenges
[Dr. Charlotte Ingram]
SA Bone Marrow Registry: Why you should join the registry
[Dr. Charlotte Ingram]
Sacral Screws
[Dr. Aftab Younus]
SAVING THE HINDFOOT: Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
[Dr. Matthew Workman]
Seal rabies outbreak in the Western Cape
[Ms. Janine Bezuidenhoudt Prof Lucille Blumberg]
Seeing the art of beauty
[Dr. Christine Steyn]
Sharing Health Data Saves Lives - Part 2
[Dr. Allan Macfarlane]
Sharing of Health Data Saves Lives - Part 1
[Mr. Llewelyn Moodley]
Snake venom interest research on coagulation
[Dr. Morne Strydom]
Social Media Law
[Ms. Emma Sadlier]
Social Media Law - panel discussion
[Ms. Emma Sadlier]
Some medicines to consider for future use
[Dr. Braam Nieuwoudt]
Sorry seems to be the hardest word
[Mr. John Tiernam]
Special considerations for nutrition support
[Miss Danielle le Riche]
Spontaneous breathing is my friend in ARDS
[Dr. John Davies]
Spontaneous breathing. OK, How do I look for it?
[Prof. Donna Hamel]
Sports Medicine Ethical Discussion
[Prof. Efraim Kramer]
Surgery for diverticulitis
[Dr. Leony Fourie]
Test Video
[Dr. Brian Levy]
The ageing physician
[Dr. Anthony Beeton]
The ethics of
[Dr. Debbie Pearmain]
The expanding problem of rare diseases
[Prof. Andrew Argent]
The Lean Startup and Business Canvas Methodology
[Prof. Barry Dwolatzky]
The Lived Experience of Raising a Neurodiverse Child
[Mrs. Lucy Hart]
The modified 6min walk test as alternative to FLOOP during COVID
[Dr. Ken Ingham]
The most important comeback in modern medicine
[Dr. Michael Capra]
The need for blood pressure control in the high risk non-cardiac surgical patient
[Dr. Lliam Brannigan]
The New Anticoagulants – Have the Failed?
[Prof. Peter Verhammer]
The power of knowing and risks of not
[Mrs. Melissa and Fred Platt]
The Roe vs Wade Debate and Abortion in the SA Context
[Prof. David Unterhalter]
The Role of the Surgeon in the MDT in Breast CA Management
[Dr. Sarah Nietz]
The Sports Vision Patient
[Dr. Jannie Ferreira]
The Systane Range - which product to use?
[Dr. Marsha Oberholzer]
The trace element Selenium
[Prof. Lutz Schomburg]
The trouble with being human
[Mr. Guy Hirst]
THE WELLBEING BLUEPRINT - Crafting a thriving life with your unique strengths
[Mr. Derek Gross]
To screen or not to screen?
[Dr. Anri van Tonder]
Top Dogs
[Mr. Corrie Niemann]
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
[Prof. Farrel Hellig]
Travelling on the edge
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Understanding Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
[Mr. Steven Sidley]
Understanding Diversity in Neurodiversity
[Dr. Tamara Jaye]
Unicorns and rainbows a crash course
[Mr. Kaleb Lachenicht]
Update on PCR Testing - 1
[Dr. Teresa Marshall]
Using a transdisciplinary approach towards snakebi
[Miss Hiral Naik]
Ventilator dyssynchrony
[Prof. Gavin Joynt]
What can we learn from snakebites in other parts of the world
[Prof. Andreas Engelbrecht]
What is COVID-19?
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
What Panelists look for in a Pitching Session
[Prof. Barry Dwolatzky]
What the public need to know about COVID-19
[Dr. Kerrigan McCarthy]
When is enough enough? Ethics of end of career decision making in athletes
[Dr. Danella Eliasov]
Where and how to find Funding
[Mr. Segopotso Moshapo]
Wrist Fractures in Sportsman
[Dr. Andrew Barrow]
YOU are the ultimate Physician
[Dr. Clint Cupido]
(T)PN - Getting it right
[Ms. Annette Prinsloo]
10 Lessons in Heart Failure
[Dr. Eric Klug]
2019 Cryptococcal disease update
[Dr. Jeremy Nel]
A new Approach to Business Acumen in Optometry
[Ms. Melissa Bigham]
A Practical Approach to ADHD
[Ms. Elize Janse van Rensburg]
A. baumannii bacteraemia. Findings from GERMS
[Prof. Olga Perovic]
Abdominal Hypertension
[Dr. Dylan Naicker]
Access to early childhood services
[Ms. Humaira Khan]
Acute coronary syndrome in pregnancy
[Dr. Shaheen Pandie]
ADHD and Communication
[Dr. Tali Frankel]
Advanced HIV Disease: Practicing ART Plus
[Prof. David Meya]
Advances in the management of ITP
[Prof. Nicolas Novitzky]
AKI - A new paradigm
[Dr. Kuban Naidoo]
AMS in the Zulu Kingdom
[Dr. Yogandree Ramsamy]
An exposition of psycho-oncology
[Ms. Audrey Katsidzira]
An Inside Look Into Cataract Surgery
[Ms. Ilana Harington]
An Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
[Ms. Daniella Renzon]
An Overview of Complementary Medicine
[Dr. Radmila Razlog]
Anaesthesia - pacemakers and defibrillators a brief review
[Dr. Pro Obel]
Anaesthesia and anorexia
[Dr. Sethusa Monyelele]
Anaesthesia for TAVI
[Dr. Lee anne van der Spuy]
Anaesthesia for the cirrhotic patient
[Dr. Mike Morford]
Anatomy and functions of the liver
[Dr. Anna Sparaco]
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. Indications,Technique,Outcome
[Dr. Adrian Kelly]
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. Saw-bone practical
[Dr. Adrian Kelly]
Anterior corpectomy in the thoracic spine
[Prof. Muthenzi Ngcelwane]
Anticoagulation in COVID
[Prof. Barry Jacobson]
Anticoagulation in perioperative care
[Dr. Lliam Brannigan]
Antimicrobial resistance
[Dr. Warren Lowman]
Applied antihypertensive therapy
[Dr. Jonty Kay]
Appropriate use of the new β-lactam β-lactamase inhibitor combinations in SA
[Prof. Adrian Brink]
APS in 2023
[Prof. Sam Schulman]
Are Severe COVID and Malaria Sepsis Syndromes?
[Prof. Aren Dondorp]
Arthroplasty Management of Shoulder Arthritis in the Young Patient
[Dr. Neil Cable]
Automated weaning.
[Dr. Richard Peter Von Rahden]
Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head
[Dr. Gregory Weir]
Back to Surgery - Pre-op Screening
[Dr. Nicola Grabowsky]
Back to the Future: Surgical risk in COVID
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Biologics in spine surgery
[Prof. Muhammad Tariq Sohail]
Biology of muscle and tendon injuries
[Dr. Rob Collins]
Biomechanics of the spine
[Prof. Muhammad Tariq Sohail]
[Ms. Anele Honono]
Breast Cancer Treatments and Outcomes
[Dr. Sarah Nietz]
Bronchial thermoplasty and EBUS TBNA
[Prof. Keertan Dheda]
Burnout & psychiatric wellbeing
[Dr. Laila Paruk]
C1 - C2 fusion techniques and complications
[Prof. John Ouma]
Cardiac Manifestations of COVID-19
[Dr. Ruchika Meel]
Cerebral Palsy: A Multidisciplinary Approach
[Mrs. Donna Dudley]
[Dr. Petrus Swanepoel]
Challenges of corona variants to Covid vaccines
[Prof. Barry Schoub]
Chiropractic in babies
[Mr. Tony Karpelowsky]
Chronic COVID
[Prof. Guy Richards]
Chronic disease & sport in adolescence & children
[Dr. Deepak Patel]
Chronic idiopathic constipation
[Dr. Gillian Watermeyer]
Chronic pain management for the Allied Healthcare Professional
[Ms. Riana van Wyk]
CLEVIPREX (Clevidipine) Clinical Trial
[Dr. Sergio Bergese]
Clinical Governance
[Ms. Mande Toubkin]
Clinical Review of Huntington''s Disease
[Dr. Riaan van Coller]
Colon cancer rates and survival
[Dr. Anna Sparaco]
Colorectal cancer prevention
[Prof. Michael Herbst]
Common electrolyte disorders
[Prof. Nicola Wearne]
Common lower limb apophysites in children
[Prof. Anthony Robertson]
COPD and Airway Clearance - Q and A
[Mrs. Lara Garzon Carretero]
COVID in pregnancy: A frontline experience
[Dr. Shastra Bhoora]
COVID Treatment Update
[Prof. Guy Richards]
COVID Vaccine Update
[Prof. Shabir Mahdi]
COVID-19 - Tocilizumab experience
[Dr. Adri Kok]
COVID-19 and the Heart
[Dr. Gavin Angel]
COVID-19 vaccination program and Sisonke rollout
[Prof. Glenda E Gray]
COVID-19 Vaccine Update
[Prof. Ian Matthias Sanne]
COVID-19 Variants of Concern
[Dr. Marieke Brauer]
COVID19 and hypercoagulability
[Dr. Pieter Wessels]
COVID19 Antibody Testing
[Dr. Marieke Brauer]
CPR when not lying flat
[Mr. David Stanton]
DAMES Oversight
[Dr. Bernice Mashaphu]
Dealing with change & abuse of the elderly
[Ms. Dolly Ayob]
Dealing with difficult patients
[Prof. Elna McKntosh]
Debate on the Pros and Cons of Hip Arthroscopy
[Dr. JP Cakic]
Decision making in the elderly
[Dr. Eric Klug]
Deep Gluteal Syndrome and the Sub Gluteal Space
[Mr. Barry Getz]
Developing a research protocol
[Prof. Scarpa Schoeman]
Diagnostic Allergy Tests
[Dr. Louise Murray]
Dialysis in children
[Dr. Cecil Levy]
Difficult extubations
[Dr. Maria del Carmen Ortega Gonzalez]
[Dr. Nectarios Papavarnavas]
Distal Radius Fractures in Athletes
[Dr. Grant Biddulph]
Do we need to fix distal biceps tears
[Dr. Neil Cable]
Double sequential defibrillation
[Mr. Uriel Rosen]
[Dr. Samantha Potgieter]
Dry Eye Disease - TFOS DEW II and Beyond
[Dr. Christine Croker]
Dying with dignity
[Dr. Charmaine Blanchard]
Dyslipidaemia in pregnancy
[Prof. Dirk Blom]
Ears, Sinuses & Scuba Diving
[Dr. Frans Cronje]
Education and training of homebased caregivers
[Ms. Nurse Zareena Banoo Saloojee]
Ensuring optimal return to function
[Mr. David Leicher]
Enuresis in children
[Prof. Ahmed Adams]
Epidemiology of Snakebites in Eswatini
[Ms. Sara Padidar]
Establishing a New Hyperbaric Facility in South Africa
[Dr. Eddelene Bouwer]
Experiences of managing COVID patients at a distri
[Prof. Mergan Naidoo]
[Mr. Peter Brauer]
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
[Prof. Frederick Raal]
Feeding the obese patient in ICU
[Ms. Engela Francis]
Feeding with intra-abdominal hypertensions
[Mrs. Lizl Veldsman]
Fitness to Dive: Shortness of breath during saturation diving
[Dr. Jack Meintjies]
Flashbacks to Delta - Clinical Review of Influenza 2024
[Dr. Evan Shoul]
Fluids and electrolytes in preterm babies
[Dr. LP Chirwa]
Fragile X-Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome
[Dr. Linette van Niekerk]
Gastro-oesophageal reflux in pregnancy
[Dr. Dion Levin]
Gastroenterology & weight loss: New paradigms
[Dr. Ismail Moola]
Gastrointestinal upset in COVID-19 patients
[Miss Christina Nieuwoudt]
Gaucher disease
[Dr. Hilton Sevitz]
Genetics of Fragile X (FMR1 related disorders)
[Dr. Lindsay Lambie]
Gilmore Groin - Science or hocus pocus
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome - GTPS
[Dr. Chuck Cakic]
Groin hernia surgery in female patients
[Prof. Johanna Osterberg]
Guide to ECG Analysis
Harmse and Melcher C1/C2 techniques
[Dr. Adrian Kelly]
HbA1C vs gucose based measurement in diabetic screening
[Dr. Younus Essack]
Health risk assessment
[Dr. Hanle de Wet]
Hearing and balance disorders
[Dr. Frans Cronje]
Heart Trends vs stress testing
[Prof. David Linton]
Hepatic complications in pregnancy
[Prof. Wendy Spearman]
Hereditary Disease
[Dr. Karen Fieggen]
High Velocity Nasal Insufflation-Adults & nonCOVID
[Mr. Ron Fantl]
Highflow nasal canula. Why should it work?
[Prof. B Louise Giles]
Hip Dysplasia: PAO
History of Recreational Diving
[Dr. Frans Cronje]
HIV and COVID-19
[Dr. Jantjie Taljaard]
HIV in adults - therapeutics
[Dr. Jeremy Nel]
HIV Update - Treatment and Tracking
[Dr. Gail Ashford]
Homeopathy in Difficult Dermatological Diseases
[Dr. Herman Jeggels]
How I manage nerve injuries
[Dr. Dominic Giampaolo]
How I rehab after hip arthroplasty
[Mr. Barry Getz]
How many cases of TB are we missing every year?
[Dr. Francesca Conradie]
How nutrients are absorbed in the GUT
[Prof. Remy Meier]
How to best manage your tax
[Mr. Jeffrey Miller]
Huntington''s Chorea Genetics and Genetic Counseling
[Mrs. Sarah Walters]
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
[Dr. Erika Jones]
Infections in the elderly
[Dr. India Butler]
Influenza 2020 - What to expect
[Dr. Sibongile Walaza]
Influenza Update 2024
[Dr. Sibongile Walaza]
Inotropes - Precision or Prayer
[Dr. Ahmed Alli]
Inotropes and vasopressors: Titrating the facts for nutrition support
[Prof. Ivan Joubert]
Inspiratory muscle training
[Dr. Ronel Roos]
Integrated fire and drought response: Western Cape
[Dr. Colin Denier]
Interpretation of elevated liver tests in primary
[Dr. Manoko Neo Seabi]
Intra-articular Hip Pathology: Assessment on plain
[Dr. Sheldon Godinho]
Introduction to anaesthesiology
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Invasive Modalities for Deep Vein Thrombosis
[Prof. Talib Abdool Carrim]
Is quad tendon the ideal graft for ACL?
[Dr. Ponky Firer]
Is the ACL repairable
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
It's never too late to vaccinate
[Prof. Sipho Dlamini]
It's time to monitor EVLW
[Dr. Rendani Tshitangano]
IVH in preterm neonates -pathophys and outcomes
[Dr. Firdosa Nakwa]
Kyphotic deformity of TB spine
[Prof. Muhammad Tariq Sohail]
Laboratory Diagnosis of Malaria
[Prof. John Frean]
Lateral extraperitoneal trans psoas approach
[Dr. Fred Ukunda]
Legislation and summary of changes in OH
[Mr. Lindie Jansen van Rensburg]
Long term cardiac complications of COVID-19 and return to play
[Mrs. Megan Whelan]
Lower back rehabilitation
[Ms. Yolande de Jager]
Lumbar Discectomy
[Dr. EA Mjuza]
Lumbar spine laminectomy and laminotomy
[Mr. KM Matekane]
Lung Disease Post-COVID-19. A Rehabilitative Approach
[Mrs. Samantha Holtzhausen]
Lung Lessons - less is more
[Dr. Jenna Piercy]
Lung recruitment: Stairway to heaven
[Dr. Shabir Alekar]
Lung Transplantation - a 21 year experience
[Dr. Paul Williams]
Malaria - an update
[Dr. Evan Shoul]
Malaria in the COVID Era
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Management of Respiratory Diphtheria
[Dr. Arifa Parker]
Management of the Degenerative Meniscus
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Managing Diabetes in children
[Dr. Fatima Moosa]
Managing lipids and cholesterol in 2023
[Prof. Frederick Raal]
Managing the very high risk surgical patient
[Dr. Lliam Brannigan]
Margaretha Isaacson Lecture
[Dr. Terezinha Martha Castineiras]
Marijuana use related to occupational health
[Dr. Jack Meintjies]
Maternal fetal conflict of interest
[Prof. John Anthony]
MDR, XDR and New Drugs in TB
[Dr. Francesca Conradie]
Mechanical ventilation in neonates
[Dr. Delania Lawrence]
Meconium aspiration syndrome
[Dr. Alison Kwanegen]
[Dr. Gavin Shang]
Meningitis - A view from the Pearl of Africa
[Prof. David Meya]
Mental Health in Aviation
[Dr. Fatima Alli]
Microarray technology for the timely diagnosis of copy number variation
[Dr. Candice Feben]
Microbiota in the ICU
[Prof. Remy Meier]
Minimially invasive spine surgery
[Dr. Aftab Younus]
Modalities for treating tendinopathies
[Dr. Rob Collins]
Monitoring Hyperoxic Exposure: From UPTD to ESOT
[Dr. Jan Risberg]
Monkeypox Outbreak
[Dr. Marcelle Myburgh]
[Prof. Remco Peters]
Mpox: Virological and Epidemiological Aspects
[Mr. Nevashan Govender]
MRI Young Meniscus - pearls & pitfalls
[Dr. Peter Mercouris]
Multidrug resistant organisms in NICU
[Dr. Joy Fredericks]
Myopia Control. We don''t know what we don''t know
[Mr. Charl van Zyl]
Myth Busters of Soft Contact Lenses
[Ms. Christelle Rood]
Myth Busters of Soft Contact Lenses: Best Sphere is Just as Good
[Ms. Christelle Rood]
NEC in prematurity
[Dr. Joy Fredericks]
Negative pressure ventilation comes to light
[Prof. Hilary Klonin]
Neoadjuvant therapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Role of endoscopy.
[Dr. Kulwinder Dua]
Neonatal seizures
[Prof. Sithembiso Velaphi]
Neonatal sepsis
[Dr. Reenu Thomas]
Nephrotic syndrome
[Dr. Shaegan Irusen]
Nerve impingement of the hand
[Dr. Jackie Muller]
Neurogastroenterology and epilepsy
[Dr. Greg Lamb]
Neurological Manifestations of COVID-19
[Dr. Dominic Giampaolo]
Neuropsychiatric Manifestations and Management of Huntington''s Disease
[Dr. Ingrid Williamson]
Next generation sequencing
[Dr. Zane Lombard]
NHI - Challenges to implementation
[Dr. Deborah Pearmain]
NHI: What now? part 2
[Prof. Alex van den Heever]
Nutrition therapy in hepatic failure
[Ms. Madeleine Coetzee]
Nutritional approach of the obese critically ill p
[Prof. Remy Meier]
Nutritional management of severe acute pancreatiti
[Miss Anna Lena Du Toit]
Nutritional requirements post COVID
[Ms. Vanessa Kotze]
Nutritional Screening
[Dr. Janicke Visser]
Obesity and cancer in children. The whole truth
[Dr. Gita Naidu]
Off label drug use in IBD
[Prof. Chris Mulder]
Oncologic homeopathy
[Prof. Michael Frass]
Ongoing trials of novel DR-TB regimens in adults.
[Dr. Sean Wasserman]
Opioid Treatement for Headache
[Dr. Jan Smuts]
Osteochondral lesions of the Talus - BMS
[Dr. Adriaan van Zyl]
Overview of management of Head and Neck Cancer
[Dr. Matthew White]
Overview of rheumatic diseases in pregnancy
[Prof. Bridget Hodkinson]
Pacemakers in anaesthesia
[Dr. Clare Coles]
PADEL - Warm Up, Rehab and Injury Prevention
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Paediatric travel medicine
[Dr. Gill Sorour]
Pain control in the cancer patient
[Dr. Ruben Naidoo]
Pancreatic Cancer - Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
[Dr. Anna Sparaco]
Part 1 - Complications of oral surgery
[Prof. Russel Lurie]
Part 2 - Complications of oral surgery
[Prof. Russel Lurie]
Pathophysiology and prevention of NEC
[Prof. Daynia Ballot]
Pathophysiology of asphyxia
[Prof. Sithembiso Velaphi]
Patient vs Lens - Helping your patient to #SeeBrilliantly
[Ms. Melissa Bigham]
PDA management
[Dr. Melantha Coetzee]
Pedicle screw and rod insertion
[Dr. Adrian Kelly]
Pedicle screw and rod insertion in the thoracic spine
[Dr. Fred Ukunda]
Peri-operative hyperthermia
[Dr. Howard Radford]
Perinatology: expert care for the tiniest patient
[Dr. Lou Pistorius]
Perioperative management of pacemakers and ICDs
[Dr. Anthony Keene]
Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
[Dr. Harishia Naidoo]
Pharmacological Management of Peri-operative Blood Pressure
[Dr. Gianluca Paternoster]
Physiotherapy for the growing patient
[Mr. David Leicher]
Physiotherapy in ICU. Does it give a survival edge
[Ms. Natascha Plani]
Pioneering of Occupational Health into Africa
[Dr. Neil van Tonder]
Pitfalls to the preop ERAS fasting guidelines
[Ms. Vanessa Kotze]
Pneumococcal diseases and Vaccination
[Prof. Sipho Dlamini]
Point of Care Testing in Coagulation
[Dr. Susan Louw]
Positioning of GIP1 agonists in Bariatric surgery
[Prof. Tess Van der Merwe]
Post dural punture headache
[Dr. Mike Blackburn]
Post Stroke Spasticity: Challenges & options Part1
[Miss Meghan Noble]
Post Stroke Spasticity: Challenges & options Part2
[Miss Meghan Noble]
Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19: Living half a life.
[Prof. Guy Richards]
Post-resus management of asphyxia & cooling
[Dr. Khamotso Masemola]
Posterolateral approach - costotranseversectomy and corpectomy T Spine
[Dr. Fred Ukunda]
Pre-implantation Genetic Testing
[Dr. Yossi Unterslak]
Prescribing in the elderly
[Mr. Huzaifah Khan]
Preseason screening in professional rugby
[Mr. Jannie Klingbiel]
Presentation, diagnosis and surgical strategies
[Dr. Anna Sparaco]
Preventing liver cancer
[Dr. Manoko Neo Seabi]
Prevention of neonatal sepsis (HAIs)
[Dr. Nelesh Govender]
Probiotics in ICU. Who could benefit?
[Ms. Nadia Jansen van Rensburg]
Professionalism: Dealing with difficult colleagues
[Dr. Elizabeth Meyer]
Prone positioning in COVID lung disease
[Dr. Malcolm Miller]
Protecting the Microbiome in ICU
[Mrs. Jacoline Eloff]
Protein in critical care
[Mrs. Lizl Veldsman]
Protein is important
[Miss Christina Nieuwoudt]
Psychological Evaluation and Predictive Genetic Testing in Huntington''s Disease
[Mr. Gustaf Pretorius]
Pulmonary Embolism in 2023
[Prof. Sam Schulman]
Q and A: Screening Colonoscopy in South Africa
[Dr. Adam and Mike Boutall and Klipin]
Quick Approach to Distinguishing Secondary Headaches
[Dr. Mike Huth]
Rationale and Use of Botulinum Toxin Type A in the Management of Post Stroke Spasticity
[Dr. Demetri Veliotes]
Recognising Auras and Migraine Variants
[Dr. Ravendran Kisten]
Refeeding in paediatrics
[Dr. Paul Goldberg]
Refractive Surgery: re-Zoom and re-Shape
[Ms. Agnita Worst]
Rehab in spinal injury
[Mr. Leon Keulder]
Rehabilitation of the valgus foot
[Mr. David Leicher]
Respiratory monitoring. Watching the lungs
[Prof. B Louise Giles]
Rethinking Acute Blood Pressure Management
[Dr. Sergio Bergese]
Return to play after ACL surgery
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Return to play after shoulder surgery
[Mr. Jannie Klingbiel]
Return to sport in wrist and hand injuries
[Ms. Evanthia Pavli]
Review of the 2015 updated guidelines for cardiopu
[Mr. David Stanton]
Review of Uncommon Headaches
[Dr. Prakash Kathan]
[Dr. Erni Welch]
Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy
[Prof. Blanche Cupido]
Riding COVID-19 waves. What will it take to win?
[Prof. Shabir Mahdi]
Risk factors and prevention strategies for colon cancer
[Dr. Neo Manoko Seabi]
Running - knee injuries
[Dr. Peter Baxter]
Running rehabilitation and load management
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Running technique & lower limb injuries in runners
[Ms. Lize Nel]
Sarcopenia & malnutrtion
[Prof. Tommy Cederholm]
SARS-COV-2 PCR Testing
[Dr. Marcelle Myburgh]
Screening and Testing for Inherited Cancer Syndromes
[Dr. Selley Macaulay]
Screening Colonoscopy in South Africa
[Dr. Adam Boutall]
Screens for Breast Cancer in 2021
[Dr. Shirley Lipschitz]
Seeing is Believing: Electrical Impedance Tomography
[Dr. Busi Mrara]
Sensory integration in the neurodiverse child
[Ms. Gabrielle Katzenellenbogen]
Sensory intelligence® for mental health
[Dr. Annemarie Lombard]
Setting the ventilator
[Dr. Richard Peter Von Rahden]
[Dr. Izak Petrus Scholtz]
Shock and the metabolic consequences
[Dr. Nadiya Ahmed]
Shoulder instability - post op red flags
[Ms. Yolande de Jager]
Shoulder instability in the contact athlete
[Dr. Neil Cable]
Side effects of suxamethonium
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Snakebite Management Consensus - Part 1/3
[Prof. C V and T Engelbrecht Lalloo and Hardcas]
Snakebite Management Consensus - Part 2/3
[Prof. C V and T Engelbrecht Lalloo and Hardcas]
Snakebite Management Consensus - Part 3/3
[Prof. C V and T Engelbrecht Lalloo and Hardcas]
Snakes and Snakebites in South Africa
[Mr. Johan Marais]
Spider bites and scorpion stings
[Mr. Jonathan Leeming]
Splinting the hand - OT
[Ms. Roxanne Wentzel]
Sport and puberty
[Dr. Kerry Marran]
Sports related spinal injuries
[Dr. Shahzad Khan]
Starting an ECMO program in SA - truth endures
[Dr. Gerry Capatos]
Strategies to improve enteral feeding tolerance
[Ms. Engela Francis]
Supplemental parenteral nurtition & for whom
[Prof. Claude Pichard]
Surgery and snake bites
[Dr. Christoff Bell]
Surgery of the liver
[Dr. Anna Sparaco]
Surgical approach to runners knee
[Dr. Matthew Street]
Surgical approaches to C1-2 fixation
[Prof. Muhammad Tariq Sohail]
Surgical approaches to the cervical spine
[Dr. Adrian Kelly]
Surgical approaches to the lumbar spine
[Dr. Wiebo van der Meulen]
Survival rates & neurodevelopment outcomes - VLBWI
[Prof. Daynia Ballot]
TB Update
[Dr. Rebecca Berhanu]
The arterial tornique
[Dr. Lee anne van der Spuy]
The aviation legal framework and the DAME
[Mr. Luvuyo Silandela]
The benefits of depth of anaesthesia
[Dr. Daniel Shmukler]
The Child with Fragile X Syndrome
[Dr. Alva van der Merwe]
[Prof. Jill Cook]
The Cons of Hip Arthroscopy
[Dr. Mtandazo Moyo]
The Diving Regulations - What is new and how does it affect DMPs?
[Dr. Jack Meintjies]
The elbow. Physiotherapy principles
[Ms. Tanya Bell Jenje]
The ethics of psycho-oncology
[Ms. Sandra Bollen Hughes]
The future of HPV vaccination
[Dr. Trudy Smith]
The Hip-Spine Syndrome
[Mr. Barry Getz]
The Ins and Outs of Diabetes Education and Suppor
[Sr. Buyelwa Majikela]
The Ins and Outs of Inhalers
[Prof. Omar Usmani]
The insidious nature of cognitive decay associated with pressure changes
[Dr. Charles van Wijk]
The low carb, high fat and protein diet. Flaws
[Prof. Tessa van der Merwe]
The lymphatic system, lymphoedema and its relationship to breast cancer
[Ms. Bryony Krikler]
The Mechanics of Throwing
[Dr. Neil Cable]
The Meniscus
[Dr. Glen Vardi]
The Pharmacist''s Role in Optimizing Asthma Therap
[Dr. Johann Kruger]
The Poisoned Chalice
[Prof. Roger Dickerson]
The Pros of Hip Arthroscopy
[Dr. Heinrich Hesse]
The psychology of the cancer patient
[Ms. Audrey Katsidzira]
The role of Muslims in achieving health for all
[Dr. Mohammed Ishaaq Datay]
The role of speech therapy in CVA management
[Miss Tracey Whitfield]
The spectrum of colitides
[Dr. Ernst Fredericks]
The Topical Analgesic Effects of Sevoflurane
[Dr. Pauline du Plessis]
The Use of Stem Cells in Sports Medicine
[Dr. Wian Stander]
[Miss Lyn de Visser]
Thoracic approaches to the spine
[Dr. Fred Ukunda]
Thoracic Spine Laminectomy
[Mr. KM Matekane]
Timing of ACL surgery
[Mr. evan speechly]
To feed or not to feed on vasopressors & inotropes
[Prof. Ivan Joubert]
Toric Excellence
[Dr. Vania Figueiredo]
Transpedicular costotransversectomy
[Dr. Aftab Younus]
Transport: from BAG to ECMO
[Dr. Dave Kloeck]
Transpulmonary pressure - who cares?
[Dr. Richard Peter Von Rahden]
Treating COVID-19 - update
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Treating COVID-19 - update 2
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Treating COVID-19 Update 3
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Treating patients of the opposite sex
[Mr. Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu]
Treatment of Dry Eye Disease - PART 1
[Dr. Christine Croker]
Treatment of Dry Eye Disease - PART 2
[Dr. Christine Croker]
Treatment of Upper Limb Nerve Compression Neuropathies
[Dr. Cynthia Sathekga]
Treatment options of TB and extrapulmonary TB
[Dr. Halima Dawood]
Trends during the Omicron-dominated fourth wave
[Dr. Waasila Jassat]
UCL of Elbow
[Dr. Andrew Barrow]
Understanding Inotropes and Vasopressors
[Dr. David Fredericks]
Understanding Nerve Conduction Studies
[Mr. Neil Smit]
[Mrs. Eunice Mpehlo]
Untangling the Hormone Web: hormone connections in
[Dr. Simone Silver]
Update on HIV
[Prof. Francois Venter]
Urine dipstix analysis - review
[Dr. Younus Essack]
Vaping and anaesthesia
[Dr. Kerry Timmerman]
Ventilation induced lung injury
[Dr. Kuban Naidoo]
Ventilation of the ECMO patient
[Dr. Sherwin Morgan]
Ventilation on ECMO
[Dr. Gerry Capatos]
Ventilator settings
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Viral infections in pregnancy
[Prof. Diana Hardie]
Vision screening with technology
[Dr. Greg Kew]
Vit D in the spotlight
[Miss Christina Nieuwoudt]
Weaning the paediatric patient
[Dr. Shamiel Salie]
What does a chiropractic actually do?
[Dr. Jason Fyfer]
What does it take to become ERAS compliant
[Dr. Claire Warden]
What happens inside a cataract theatre
[Dr. Elzana Kempen]
What is colon cancer?
[Dr. Amisha Maraj]
What Islam means for Africa
[Mr. Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu]
What Physios and Allied HCPs need to know about COVID
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Whether to operate on tendon and muscle injuries or not
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Withdrawal of life sustaining therapies in SA
[Dr. Kuban Naidoo]
Wound care in diabetics
[Ms. Liz Wilson]
Physics of...
Vaporisers part 1 - The physics
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Physiology of...
Adrenal fatigue - Myth or Reality
[Prof. Ian Ross]
Approach to Lupus nephritis in pregnancy
[Prof. Ikechi Okpechi]
[Dr. Frans Cronje]
Deep CCR Diving
[Prof. Costantino Balestra]
Diabetes in Pregnancy
[Prof. Peter Raubenheimer]
Dyspnoea in Pregnancy
[Dr. Richard Raine]
Epilepsy and Pregnancy
[Dr. Lawrence Tucker]
How does the right ventricle roll with pressure
[Dr. Shahed Omar]
Insulin Resistance and Pre-diabetes - Part 1
[Ms. Tabitha Hume]
Insulin Resistance and the Pancreas - Part 2: Treating Hyperinsuinalemia and it's Comorbidities
[Ms. Tabitha Hume]
Is metabolic disease infectious?
[Prof. Joel Dave]
Neuromuscular Junction, Muscle Relaxants, Malignant Hyperthermia
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Pulmonary hypertension
[Dr. Greg Symons]
Respiratory Physiology and COVID lung disease
[Dr. Busi Mrara]
[Dr. Ismail Sikander Kalla]
Stroke in pregnancy
[Prof. Alan Bryer]
Practical how to...
Acute Collapse in Pregnancy
[Dr. Yossi Unterslak]
ADS and literacy development: What do we know and how do we adapt
[Ms. Hanlie Degenaar]
Anaesthesia for Airway Surgery (MDL) without a ETT
[Dr. Jason Kahn]
Analgosedation of the Elderly in ICU
[Dr. India Butler]
Awake fibreoptic intubation
[Dr. Brigid Brennan]
C2 trans-laminar screws
[Prof. John Ouma]
Cervical screening
[Dr. Judith Carter]
Copyright on Medtalkz
[Ms. Heidi Kruger]
Crunching the numbers - short patient case discussions
[Miss Anna Lena Du Toit]
Cryotherapy - Practical considerations
[Mr. Zac van Heerden]
Depth of Anaesthesia Monitoring: Practical Examples
[Dr. Daniel Shmukler]
Ecmo and Covid
[Dr. Marlice van Dyk]
Enteral feeding
[Prof. Galya Chinnery]
ERAS Protocol: Prehabilitation: What and Why?
[Ms. Engela Francis]
Feeding in the Prone Position
[Ms. Engela Francis]
Homeopathic treatment
How I do cardiac ablation anaesthesia
[Dr. Edith Klebe]
How I do indwelling local anaesthetic catheters
[Dr. Rob Morgan]
Insights into the Autistic Brain
[Mrs. Ilanit Gerson]
Interpretation of ABG for FCA Part 1 Exam
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Management of acute & persistent and hypoglycemia
[Dr. Douna Granga]
Management of snakebite; sangoma medicine
[Dr. Vidya Lalloo]
Medical care inside a Saturation chamber
[Dr. Philip Bryson]
Meeting requirements in patients with HFNO
[Dr. Pieter Ekermans]
Nasal high flow for COVID19
[Dr. Lucy Hindle]
Needle cricothyroidotomy
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
[Dr. Christoff Bell]
PEG insertion
[Prof. Galya Chinnery]
Prescribing in pregnancy
[Dr. Phumla Sinxadi]
Rapid sequence induction
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Rehabilitation of OCL lesions
[Mrs. Helene Simpson]
[Mr. Richard Sutton]
Runner''s Knee
[Mr. Evan Speechly]
Sexual Abuse in Children
[Dr. Linda Cartwright]
Surgical cricothyroidotomy
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Treating 22 and 23-Week Premature Babies”
[Dr. Doron Shein]
Using Desflurane
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
Ventilator Modes I use
[Prof. Guy Richards]
VV-ECMO for respiratory failure
[Dr. Greg Calligaro]
When scholars differ on your patient
[Mr. Sheikh Nuruddeen Lemu]
Research presentation
Early mobilisation is more than just an exercise
[Ms. Cathrine Tadyanemhandu]
Gut Microbiome
[Dr. Luicer Olubayo]
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Epidemiology
[Dr. Jocelyn Moyes]
Risk factors for post ERCP pancreatitis
[Dr. Myint Tun]
The construction of substance abuse in hip hop culture
[Ms. Audrey Katsidzira]
The lived experience of shame in the context of acquaintance rape
[Ms. Audrey Katsidzira]
The Neuropsychological Effects of COVID-19
[Mrs. Urvashi Maganlal]
Subject review or overview
1+1=3 Making Pain Equations Work
[Ms. Beverley Bolton]
1001 Things about Inhalational Anaesthetics
[Dr. Erni Welch]
A Healthcare Providers Guide to the MSM Patient
[Dr. Mohammed Cajee]
A practical approach to anticoagulation
[Dr. Anthony Beeton]
A simple pathway to treat and manage patients with
[Dr. Eugene Allers]
A Surgical Approach to Vitreoretinal Conditions
[Dr. Lara Sandri]
AC Joint Dislocations
[Dr. Susan van Deventer]
Acclimatization to diving
[Dr. Jan Risberg]
Achieving optimal health outcomes through nutritional support
[Mrs. Tanna Cohen]
ACL Management: Is this even a debate?
[Prof. Jon Patricios]
Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture
[Dr. Derik du Toit]
Advanced Interpretation of Topographical Reports
[Dr. Marsha Oberholzer]
Advanced Interpretation of Topographical Reports - PART II
[Dr. Marsha Oberholzer]
Advances in Cancer Therapies
[Dr. Ronwyn van Eeden]
Aerosolised antibiotics in ICU
[Dr. Raj Gheevarghese]
Airway suctioning
[Mrs. Megan Whelan]
An approach to recurrent airway infections -
[Prof. Andre Van Niekerk]
Ankle rehabilitation
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Anticoagulants and neuraxial anaesthesia in 2023
[Dr. Anthony Beeton]
Antiphospholipid syndrome in pregnancy
[Dr. Stella Botha]
Antiretroviral therapy update
[Prof. Gary Maartens]
Approach to Infertility for Health Care Professionals
[Dr. Jackson Ndhlovu]
[Dr. Shahed Omar]
Are homeopathic outcomes due to the placebo effect
[Dr. Herman Jeggels]
[Mrs. Lizl Veldsman]
Assessment Tips and Rehab of Progressive Collapsing Foot Deformity
[Mrs. Fiona Weyers]
Autoimmune disorders
[Dr. Carla Van Heerden]
‘Bariatric Surgery 2024, “ what is necessary,
[Dr. Gary Fetter]
Background to Monkeypox - Lecture 1 of 6
[Prof. Simnikiwe Mayaphi]
Beta-lactam hypersensitivity
[Prof. Jonathan Peter]
Biomechanics of the c-spine following concussion
[Dr. Linda Steyn]
Brain & Lung Protection: Transcut CO2 monitoriing
[Ms. Chelsea Lee]
Burnout, Stress and Wellbeing - Part 1
[Dr. Erika Hitge]
Burnout, Stress and Wellbeing - Part 2
[Dr. Erika Hitge]
Bypassing Impingement - what the physio can do
[Ms. Lindsay Harris]
Cancer Associated Thrombosis
[Prof. Ajay Kakkar]
Cannabis 101
[Dr. Emily Moslein]
Cardiac Arrest - Part 1
[Mr. David Stanton]
Cardiac Arrest - Part 2
[Mr. David Stanton]
Cerebral Palsy
[Dr. Kaajal Parbhoo]
Cervical Cancer Eradication: The Promise of HP
[Prof. Hennie Botha]
Challenges in the treatment of peri-op severe hypertension in the cardiovascular setting
[Dr. Aurence Nkosinathi Mdladla]
Cholera - medical managment
[Dr. Luzanne Grundling]
Cholera A - Z
[Dr. Jeremy Nel]
Cholera Response
Choosing the Right Hormone Replacement Therapy for your Patient
[Dr. Trudy Smith]
Chronic Achilles Rupture
[Dr. Michael de Buys]
Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
[Dr. Richard Paterson]
Clevidipine - Our South African Experience
[Dr. Lliam Brannigan]
Clinical managemen of COVID-19 infection
[Prof. Guy Richards]
Closed Loop O2 Control - non-invasive resp support
[Mr. Ron Fantl]
Clostridiodes associated diarrhea and the role of FMT
[Dr. Kay Karlsson]
Common everyday nose and sinus diseases
[Dr. Ray Friedman]
Communication in ASD from Emerging Verbal to Verbal
[Dr. Gillian Ridley]
Concussion in Cricket
[Dr. Lervasen Pillay]
Concussion in School Sport
[Prof. Jon Patricios]
Concussion. Keeping it simple
[Dr. Peter Baxter]
Conservative management of Adolescent Scoliosis P1
[Ms. Angie Lander]
Conservative management of Adolescent Scoliosis P2
[Mr. Malcolm Freedman]
Conservative management of low back pain
[Mrs. Wendy Snyders]
Corneal Conundrums
[Dr. Dirk Booysen]
COVID 19 update for healthcare workers
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
COVID Brain Fog
[Dr. Shaquir Salduker]
COVID variants: Implication for immunity & vaccine
[Prof. Penny Moore]
COVID-19: What Physicians need to know
[Dr. Jarrod Zamparini]
COVID-19: What you need to know
[Dr. Jarrod Zamparini]
Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic fever - discussion
[Dr. Teresa Marshall]
Death Determination
[Prof. David Thomson]
Decompression Pathophysiology and Safety Today - Part 1
[Dr. Alessandro Marroni]
Decompression Pathophysiology and Safety Today - Part 2
[Dr. Alessandro Marroni]
Demystifying Common Vestibular Disorders
[Dr. Tami Mehl]
Demystifying Sinus Related Headaches
[Dr. Ryan Karro]
Depth of Anaesthesia Monitoring in 2021
[Dr. Daniel Shmukler]
Developing a Medical Surveillance Programme for Commercial Diving Contractors
[Dr. Jack Meintjies]
Diagnosis and infection control of COVID-19
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Diagnosis and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
[Prof. Mohammed Tikly]
Distal Biceps Tendon
[Ms. Beverly Roos]
Diving and Diabetes
[Dr. Jonathan Rosenthal]
Dry Eye Wheel
[Dr. Jonathon Bench]
Early ankle rehabilitation
[Mr. evan speechly]
Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder
[Dr. Nola Chambers]
ECMO - To do or not to do?
[Prof. Guy Richards]
ECMO in 2023
[Dr. Martin Sussman]
ECMO in 2024 – Who and When to refer & What not to do
[Dr. Martin Sussman]
Endoscopic therapies for bladder cancer
[Dr. Ahmed Adam]
ERAS Protocol: Carbohydrate Loading - Is It Still Relevant?
[Ms. Vanessa Kotze]
ERAS Protocol: Screening for Malnutrition
[Prof. R Blaauw]
Erosion of a sense of calling – does it matter?
[Dr. Suzy Jordache]
Eulogy of the spinal board and C-collar
[Mr. David Stanton]
Evidence based review of PDPH
[Dr. Daniel Shmukler]
Exertional and Sexual Headache
[Dr. Jan Smuts]
Factor IX Inhibitors - Hopes and Aspirations
[Prof. Ajay Kakkar]
Female sexual dysfunction - the medical perspective
[Dr. Larisse Badenhorst]
Female sexual dysfunction and the role of physiotherapy within
[Mrs. Hester Van Aswegen]
Fluid and pain management during palliative care
[Dr. Shannon Odell]
Fragile X and Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
[Dr. Eben Venter]
Frozen Shoulder
[Dr. PH Laubscher]
Functional Training in ACL Repairs
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Gene Therapy – Can we expand Haemophilia treatment to other diseases?
[Prof. Johnny Mahlangu]
GIT function
[Dr. Peter Barrow]
GLIM criteria to diagnose adult hospital malnutrition – 5-year update
[Prof. R Blaauw]
Golfing Injuries
[Dr. Ponky Firer]
Guidelines and Value of Blood Tests in venous Thrombosis
[Dr. Pieter Wessels]
Gym and Tonic: Supplements and Drug Use in Adolescent Sport
[Prof. Jon Patricios]
Hands-On Defibrillation
[Mr. Stuart Hackland]
Hepatitis C: Time to sCreen, Cure and Conquer
[Dr. Marieke Brauer]
Hepatitis of Unknown Origin: Behind the Mystery
[Dr. Marisa Beretta]
Hip Arthroscopy - question or answer?
[Dr. Chuck Cakic]
Hip Instability
[Dr. Hennie Bosch]
Hip Micro-instability
[Dr. Chuck Cakic]
Hospitalised Mpox- patients
[Dr. Stephen Woolley]
How Significant is Dry Eye to me as an ECP?
[Ms. Simone Stad]
How to handle the sensitive macula as an optometrist
[Dr. Elzana Kempen]
How to Keep the Young Arthritic Shoulder Active
[Mrs. Debbie Davidson]
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
[Dr. Dion Opperman]
If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the ED!
[Dr. Rachel Moore]
Important Clinical Aspects of Contact Lens Fitting
[Ms. Dina Bornman]
Influenza Update - 2022
[Dr. Sibongile Walaza]
Instability of the Elbow
[Dr. Leon Izerel]
Intensive care and HBOT
[Prof. Jacek Kot]
Introduction to the Protection of Personal Information Act
[Ms. Kelly Nevin]
Iron deficiency and anaemia. More than just about iron.
[Prof. Andrew M Prentice]
Is the Ligamentum Teres the new ACL
[Dr. Eugene Greeff]
IVC filters
[Prof. Abu Talib Osman Abdool Carrim]
Just An Ankle Sprain
[Dr. M Mehtar]
Kids, pregnancy, eyes and surgical management
[Prof. Timothy Hardcastle]
Lab diagnosis of COVID-19
[Dr. Clive Soldin]
Lateral and medial ligament injuries of the ankle
[Dr. Gavin OBrien]
Lateral Ankle Sprain
[Dr. Michael de Buys]
Latest evidence on Temporomandibular disease and headaches
[Mrs. Micaela Weinberg]
Learning The Alphabet: PK/PD
[Dr. Erni Welch]
Local Anaesthesia
[Dr. Erni Welch]
Long Covid: The Role of Physiotherapy
[Mrs. Samantha Holtzhausen]
LRTI and Influenza. Lab tests, new and obsolete
[Dr. Tina Law]
Major Incident and Disaster Management - Part 2
[Dr. Wayne Smith]
Malaria Update - Dec 21
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Malnutrition risk assessment and impact on outcome
[Miss Anna Lena Du Toit]
Management of First Time Patella-Femoral Dislocations
[Mr. Evan Speechly]
Management of PCL injury. Who Needs Surgery?
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Management of RDS
[Dr. David Sweet]
Managing Right Heart Failure in 2023
[Dr. Eric Klug]
Managing the Neuropsychiatric Behaviours and Challenges of the Confused Patient
[Dr. India Butler]
Mastering Brilliance with Multifocal Contact Lenses
[Ms. Christelle Rood]
MDT approach to male and female sexual dysfunction
[Dr. Elna Rudolph]
[Mr. Sean Pincus]
Micro Ward Round - A ''Tick-lish'' case
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
[Prof. Robin Green]
Migraine in Women
[Dr. Mike Huth]
Monkeypox - Clinical Features and Complications (lecture 2 of 6)
[Dr. Jeremy Nel]
Monkeypox - Clinical Features and Management from an STI Perspective (Lecture 4 of 6)
[Prof. Remco Peters]
Monkeypox - Laboratory Testing (Lecture 5 of 6)
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Monkeypox: Current status of Vaccination & Antivir
[Dr. Arifa Parker]
[Dr. Jeremy Nel]
MRI of Elbow Tendinopathy
[Dr. Ralph Hurwitz]
[Dr. Erni Welch]
Nasal High Flow for Non-Invasive Support - Part 1
[Dr. Kevin Ives]
Nasal High Flow for Non-Invasive Support - Part 2
[Dr. Kevin Ives]
Neonatal ultrasound point of care
[Dr. Tanusha Ramdin]
[Dr. Christel ArnoldDay]
[Dr. Khakhu Mathivha]
Non operative management of acriomioclavicular dislocation
[Dr. Neil Cable]
Non-arthroplasty Management of Shoulder Arthritis
[Dr. Phillip Webster]
Non-specific Back Pain
[Dr. Shahzad Khan]
Non-surgical Management of Scoliosis in Adolescents
[Dr. Rowan Berkowitz]
Nonsurgical Interventional Pain Management of the Spine
[Dr. Thamsanqa Mweli]
Not all snakebites need a fasciotomy
[Prof. Kenneth Boffard]
[Dr. Erni Welch]
NSAIDs - Double Edged Sword
[Prof. Mohammed Tikly]
Nutritional implications and management of chyle leaks
[Miss Vanessa Kotze]
Nutritional Implications of Common Upper GI Surger
[Dr. Matthias Scriba]
Nutritional Management of Ostomies
[Miss Anna Lena Du Toit]
Nutritional Management of Pre–diabetes & Type 2 Diabetes
[Mrs. Maria Elizabeth Catsicas]
Nutritional management of the burns patient
[Prof. Mette Berger]
PADEL - Making the old feel young again
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Paediatric ACL - When to Operate
[Dr. Matthew Street]
Pain and Brain
[Dr. Shaquir Salduker]
Palliative care and Homeopathy
[Dr. Natalya Dinat]
Panel Discussion On Return To Play After Spine Injury Or Surgery
[Dr. Ike Egbunike]
Patella femoral pain syndrome and correct loading
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Patella instability: Pearls
[Dr. Ponky Firer]
Pathological Indicators for Bandage Contact Lens Fitting
[Dr. Marsha Oberholzer]
PCFD - Tibialis Posterior Is Not Always To Blame
[Dr. Andrew Strydom]
PCL - Why can't we get it perfect?
[Dr. Johan Botha]
PCL Injuries
[Dr. Mike Barrow]
Peri-operative nutritional management of the patient presenting with head and neck cancer
[Mrs. Tanna Cohen]
Perplexing Prions
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
[Dr. Erni Welch]
Physiotherapy in COVID-19 - From ICU to Home
[Mrs. Samantha Holtzhausen]
Phytotherapy and the polyvalent actions of herbal medicine
[Dr. Craig Wright]
PIMS- tts
[Dr. Despina Demopoulos]
Pitfalls in diagnosing CIDP
[Dr. Kaminie Moodley]
Plexus Disorders
[Prof. Franclo Henning]
[Dr. Kim Pieton]
Polio and Measles Update
[Dr. Kerrigan McCarthy]
Pompe disease. An elusive condition
[Dr. Kenny Govendragaloo]
Post COVID Headache
[Dr. Evan Shoul]
Post op nausea and vomiting
[Dr. Charle Steyl]
PPE - How we got here & Where to next?
[Dr. Lance Lasersohn]
Practical implementation of nutritional guidelines
[Prof. R Blaauw]
Precision Prescribing: Integrating Pharmacogenomics into Everyday Clinical Practice
[Dr. Janin Alant]
Prehospital and ED management of Stroke
[Mr. David Stanton]
Prehospital Snakebite Treatment
[Mr. Nick van der Walt]
Presbyopia correcting IOLs - understanding the technology and managing your patients
[Mrs. Marita Siebrits]
Principles of good quality, defensible, high stakes assessment
[Prof. Scarpa Schoeman]
Probiotics in Neonatal Care: Focus on Labinic
[Dr. Peter Reynolds]
Prostate cancer for the community doctor
[Dr. Shauli Minkowitz]
Psychological Approach Male & Female Sexual dysf.
[Dr. Eugene Viljoen]
Psychological impact of sporting injury on rehabilitation
[Mr. Mark Fairbank]
Pulmonary Hypertension
[Dr. Paul Williams]
Pulmonary Thrombo-embolism
[Prof. Barry Jacobson]
Q and A - Infertility: A comprehensive approach for infertile couples
[Dr. Jackson Ndhlovu]
Q and A - Inhalational Agents Webinar
[Dr. eRni Welch]
[Dr. eRni and Malcolm Welch and Miller]
Rabies Update - Dec 21
[Prof. Lucille Blumberg]
Radiation in Prostate Cancer
[Dr. Mia Hugo]
Recent Advances in the Treatment of Metastatic Prostate Cancer
[Dr. Ronwyn van Eeden]
Rehabilitation of Golfing Injuries
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Rehabilitation of the Ankle
[Mr. Gareth Devine]
Rehabilitation of the TFCC
[Ms. Jennifer Blenkinsop]
RehabMatters: Rehabilitation
[Mr. Jannes Strydom]
Return To Play After Spinal Injury or Surgery
[Dr. Ike Egbunike]
Return To Sports After Total Hip Arthroplasty
[Dr. Chris McCready]
Riding the Toric Wave Brilliantly
[Ms. Dina Bornman]
Risk of Patellar Femoral joint instability
[Dr. Richard Almeida]
Sequential testing in OSCEs - Part 1
[Prof. Scarpa Schoeman]
Sequential testing in OSCEs - Part 2
[Prof. Scarpa Schoeman]
Sexually Transmitted Infections in South Africa
[Dr. Ranmini Kularatne]
Should Acute Patella Dislocations Have Surgery
[Prof. Ponky Firer]
Should we doing an acromioplasty - obviously not
[Dr. Jasson Du Plessis]
Sickle cell and thalassaemia
[Prof. John Malcolm Walker]
SLAP lesions: review and management
[Dr. Dinos Kastanos]
Special considerations in ACL injuries in children and the skeletally immature
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Spirometry in Kaleidoscope and 2019 update
[Mr. Lindsay Zurba]
Sports Concussion Review
[Prof. Jon Patricios]
Standard setting of assessments
[Prof. Scarpa Schoeman]
Stem Cells - The Basics
[Dr. Tanya Glatt]
Stem Cells in Sports Medicine
[Dr. Gavin Shang]
Stroke causes, diagnosis and acute management
[Dr. Christine Webb]
Surgical management of AC joint injuries
[Dr. PH Laubscher]
Surgical management of ACL tears
[Dr. Ponky Firer]
Surgical Management of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
[Dr. Shahzad Khan]
Surgical Patella Stabilisation Procedures
[Dr. Spike Erasmus]
Taqwa paradigm in healthcare
[Prof. Emeritus Abdul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim]
[Dr. Erni Welch]
Tempero-mandibular disorders Part 2
[Prof. Russel Lurie]
Tempero-mandibular joint - Part 4
[Prof. Russel Lurie]
Terror Medicine
The borderline regression method for OSCEs - part 3
[Prof. Scarpa Schoeman]
The Current Treatment Landscape in Lung Cancer
[Dr. Ronwyn van Eeden]
The Great Debate - Management of ACL Tears
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
The HbA1C''s of Diabetes Management
[Mr. Nathaniel Van Wyk]
The Ice Caps Are Disappearing
[Ms. Maria Gerondoudis]
The Legal Status of Medicinal Cannabis in SA
[Mr. Brett Pollack]
The Microbiome - Are we only 10% human
[Dr. Peter Barrow]
The Nutritional Management of high output fistulas and ostomies in oncology
[Mrs. Madeleine Coetzee]
The Nuts and Bolts of Paediatric Vision Assessmen
[Ms. Leonie Joubert]
The Rise and Fall and Rise again of Peri-op Iron Replacement Therapy
[Dr. Anthony Beeton]
The Role of Acromioplasty in Shoulder Surgery
[Dr. Neil Cable]
The Role of HPV Testing in Cervical Cancer Screening
[Dr. Jennifer Butt]
The role of palliative care in CVA and neurotrauma
[Dr. Shannon Odell]
The role of the physiotherapist in concussion
[Ms. Megyn Robertson]
The Role of the Physiotherapist in Managing the Frozen Shoulder
[Ms. Yolande de Jager]
[Dr. Andrew Barrow]
The Vitreous: Everyday Clinical Challenges
[Dr. Dirk Booysen]
Thrombo-prophylaxis: Practical Considerations
[Dr. Brad Gelbart]
Timing of ACL surgery
[Dr. Matthew Street]
Transport Ventilators
[Prof. David Linton]
Trauma in pregnancy
[Dr. Victoria Stephen]
Traumatic brain injury
[Dr. Ahmed Alli]
Treating heart failure in 2022 - What''s new?
[Dr. Eric Klug]
Treatment of Clostridium difficile infection
[Dr. Marthinus Senekal]
Treatment Planning to Maximize The Pain Equation
[Prof. Romy Parker]
Trouble Shooting Strategies with Multifocal Contact Lenses
[Ms. Christelle Rood]
Understanding ABGs
[Dr. Ayesha Khan]
Update on Diagnosis and Management of Cluster Head
[Dr. Irshad Siddi Ganie]
Update on laser and surgical therapies in open-angle glaucoma
[Dr. Francesca Indiveri]
Update on neonatal resuscitation guideline
[Dr. Tanusha Ramdin]
Update on PCR Testing - 2
[Dr. Teresa Marshall]
Update on PCR Testing - 3
[Dr. Teresa Marshall]
Update on the current management of COVID
[Prof. Guy Richards]
Update on ventilation of low birth weight and very low birth weight babies
[Dr. Robin Saggers]
Updates in the Management of Breast Cancer
[Dr. Ronwyn van Eeden]
Upper airway obstruction in Diphtheria
Ventilation vs bagging in the pre-hospital setting
[Dr. Brian Levy]
VITT. Should we stop the program?
[Prof. Barry Jacobson]
What is Hip Micro-Instability
[Dr. JRT Pietrzak]
What is the TFCC and why do we need it?
[Dr. Tim Pikor]
What the K! Diagnosing the Undiagnosed Keratoconic
[Dr. Elizabeth Chetty]
What to feed, or not, in Shock
[Ms. Chantal Mostert]
Why Do Some ACL Surgeries Fail
[Dr. Matthew Street]