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Talkz By Speaker: Prof. Guy Richards
Prof. Guy Richards
Prof. Guy Richards

Field Of Medicine: Health systems management

Speciality: Medicine

From: Johannesburg, , South Africa

Special Interests:

Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19: Living half a life.... Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19: Living half a life....
Q and A - Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19... Q and A - Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19...
Q & A - COVID Treatment Update... Q & A - COVID Treatment Update...
COVID Treatment Update... COVID Treatment Update...
Update on the current management of COVID... Update on the current management of COVID...
Chronic COVID... Chronic COVID...
Clinical managemen of COVID-19 infection... Clinical managemen of COVID-19 infection...
ECMO - To do or not to do?... ECMO - To do or not to do?...
Ventilator Modes I use... Ventilator Modes I use...


Ventilator settings... Ventilator settings...
Vaporisers part 1 - The physics... Vaporisers part 1 - The physics...
Surgical cricothyroidotomy... Surgical cricothyroidotomy...
Side effects of suxamethonium... Side effects of suxamethonium...
Rapid sequence induction... Rapid sequence induction...
Post op nausea and vomiting... Post op nausea and vomiting...